Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mother of Angelina Jolie's adopted daughter wants in after 12 years

Wednesday, 18 January, 2017

The biological mother of Angelina Jolie's adopted daughter has made a heartfelt plea asking the actress asking to see her.
Mentewab Dawit Lebiso, 31, gave up Zahara, 12, as a baby after being raped and falling ill in 2005.
But she is now desperate to get in contact with her daughter and dreams of meeting her again.
“I just want her to know that I am alive and here and long to be able to speak with her.”
“I do not want my daughter back but just to be in contact with her and be able to call her up and talk with her.”
“Angelina has been more of a mother to her than I have ever been.”
“She has been with her since she was a baby, but that does not mean I do not miss her.”
“I miss her all the time. I think about her every day and long to hear her voice or see her face.”
“I know when she has a birthday but I am sad because I can’t celebrate it with her.”
“I would so much want to celebrate with her on her birthday and other special days.”
“I long to be able to have regular contact with her.”“I would ask Angelina to let me speak with her. I do not think it is too much to ask.”
She also said that she was never offered any financial assistance by the couple nor has she even demanded any help from them.

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