Monday, January 30, 2017

Akothee confesses her undying love for her manager

Monday, 30th January, 2017

Read the loving message Akothee wrote for her manager, Nelly on his birthday.
Rumor has it that the two are now lovers but I didn't really get the confirmation I needed in this message.  However, you can tell that she is head over hills in love with him, either as a manager or a lover.

Akotheekenyait's been a year since I met you , 2016 was the best year for me , there is nothing I can relate to you being there for me , many have come in the name of managers but they opt to seek fame & ride on the brand , you are so humble & patient , am sure most people wonder how you deal with this brand held by this crazy woman ! 

well, it's because you are exposed , well educated , perfect family background , too honest , straight , ambitious , you embrace change & don't care about others opinions ,You saw the talent & decided to nurture it & take it places , most people who came around saw the money & fame , yes my heartbeat , I heart your mother for the great up bringing , thank you soooooo much 

@nellyoaks, you have walked me through the most darkest parth of my life , my kids relate to you, sometimes when I see Oyoo searching for you like a lost sheep "the first word Oyoo mentions when he comes home " "where is Nelson " he will go to your office !, check the pool , in the garden , then I ask myself !!!!!!!!!

 what should I do 😍😍😍 , the girls report me to you , when I start bitching around , you have actually helped me nature the teenagers , how else can I thank God for having you in my life ! you are my last resort & you will be the end of me@nellyoaks, I wish you all the best in life from the bottom of my heart I love you , let your girlfriend not catch feelings here tell her it's work related period 😂😂😂😃😂😃if there is any

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