Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Zari shows off her 'cakes' in this sexy photo

Wednesday, 28 December, 2016

This gotta be the first time I have ever seen Zari's butt cheeks! She has always covered up her behind and to be honest, it has always looked a little bit flat.

I don't know why she has decided to share this on snapchat now. It's true that she has been accused of wearing butt pads to make her butt look bigger but she didn't have to respond to that!

I hope she wasn't intimidated by Vera Sidika's ass given that she probably hanged out with Diamond the entire weekend. Duh! Ila inachoma, would panic too if I was her! LOL

Seriously though, I wish she could just keep it classy and leave the drama to Huddah, Vee and the rest.

Nice butt though, but Zari is such an attention seeker, Wallahi!

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1 comment:

  1. Zari really annoys me. That as can't match up to Vee or Huddah. If she wants to try maybe she can pop to the back. It will look much better. Secondly she insults Tanzanians who don't like her and calls them "uneducated". Zari you speak English good for you but you are dumb. And lastly let's not forget that is a 34year old who is competing with girls in their twenties. Aren't you a bit too old for that boo. Don't you have friends that are your agemates
