Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Men reveal why they catcall or honk at women as they drive by

Wednesday, 28 December, 2016

No woman in her right mind enjoys it when men catcall or honk at her in public. It can be quite embarrassing and even intimidating.

On Reddit, men were asked to explain why they do it and surprisingly, most of them do it to impress their friends, while some claimed to do it just to let her know that she was out of their league or that she was attractive.

Read the comments below...

One user revealed it's a way for men to tell a woman she's attractive, without having to be brave or smooth doing it in person.

One man explained that it's his and his friends' way of getting a rush of talking to a woman... without actually talking to a woman.
Other users claimed it was because they wanted to make a woman 'feel better about herself' and use it as a tool of communication

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