Saturday, November 26, 2016

Video: Daycare worker caught on camera hitting a toddler mercilessly

Saturday, Nov 26, 2016

A daycare worker was caught on camera hitting a nine month old baby mercilessly during nap time in Western India.
The beating caused the baby internal bleeding and a fractured skull!

The horrifying attack took place on the infant's first day at the nursery, in the city of Kharghar, in Maharashtra State.

His parents Dad Rajat and Ruchita said that when they picked her up from the daycare, they discovered a lot of bruises on her body.

They said that, they believed the worker because it was their baby's first day at the daycare and she could have been only stressed.
However, while at home she couldn't stop crying and she developed a fever and started vomiting, so they decided to take her to the hospital the next day.

A hospital CT scan later revealed that she had suffered a small fracture at the back of her skull, which had led to internal bleeding.

The owner of the daycare and the worker were both arrested but the owner was later released on bail.
 The worker, Afsana Shaikh remained in custody and is facing Child abuse and endangerment.

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