Friday, November 25, 2016

See how much each Kardashian earned in only one year

Friday, Nov 25, 2016

"They are hoes" they said! "They have no talent" they said! But whose smarter now?
The Kardashians could be everything y'all say they are but they are certainly making money while at it!

I would rather be a rich hoe than a broke nice girl with some hoe tendencies! And speaking of hoes, they are not even hoes!

Just a bunch  rich and famous women every man wanna have. It's hard on them, they are the victims!
I mean, it would be hard on you too if you had a whole basketball team and A list celebrities chasing after you.

Kim though! She might be getting old now, but even the young and fresh Jenner girls couldn't make half as much as she made.

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