Saturday, Nov 26, 2016

I hate the internet because some fools have no limit! When I heard that a Jesus look-alike was spotted in Nairobi, I thought it was cool but I knew for sure that it couldn't be Him.
And it turns out I was right!
Now, the guy they called Jesus, Daniel Christos has come forward to clear the air after someone on Facebook accused him of pretending to be Jesus. He even said that "they should find him and beat him up!
This is what he wrote...
"This Mzungu guy walking in Nairobi barefoot claiming to be Jesus Christ...
We want to set a commitee to look for him, beat him from town to Ngong Hills, crucify him there together with two thieves i.e Waiguru and kabura.
Then leave him there to die. On Friday, we take him to Langata and we will check his grave on Monday. Nkt"
When Daniel Christos saw the post, he took to Facebook to express his disappointment in whoever wrote the message and wrote;

I hate the internet because some fools have no limit! When I heard that a Jesus look-alike was spotted in Nairobi, I thought it was cool but I knew for sure that it couldn't be Him.
And it turns out I was right!
Now, the guy they called Jesus, Daniel Christos has come forward to clear the air after someone on Facebook accused him of pretending to be Jesus. He even said that "they should find him and beat him up!
This is what he wrote...
"This Mzungu guy walking in Nairobi barefoot claiming to be Jesus Christ...
We want to set a commitee to look for him, beat him from town to Ngong Hills, crucify him there together with two thieves i.e Waiguru and kabura.
Then leave him there to die. On Friday, we take him to Langata and we will check his grave on Monday. Nkt"
When Daniel Christos saw the post, he took to Facebook to express his disappointment in whoever wrote the message and wrote;
"I arrived in Kenya less than 2 weeks ago from Ethiopia and have been welcomed with so much enthusiasm like I've never experienced before in my life. In fact it's been so extreme that it's been a little overwhelming.
Every single corner I walk on in Nairobi I have noticed someone either taking a photo or video while hundreds of times a day I hear people calling out "Jesus!". Kenyan people in general have been very friendly and loving. Until I find this photo of me circulating online. I feel a little concerned by this person's comments. I don't know who wrote it and I don't know if it was just a joke or if they were serous, but it has made me a little uncomfortable to walk in the streets of Nairobi.
I shouldn't have to respond to such close minded nonsense but a quick message to whoever posted the photo and comment... I AM NOT JESUS! I HAVE NEVER PRETENDED TO BE. I am a traveller who has come to your country as a visitor, i would hope that one day if Jesus does return you treat him with a little more respect than you have treated me."
To everyone else, you are a beautiful people, I love you!
People need to learn to respect other people's privacy and also be sensitive to the kind of messages they promote on social media platforms.🙅
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