Monday, August 29, 2016

Four of your favorite celebrities like you've never seen them before

Monday, August 29, 2016

They say money is the root of all evil but what about all the positive things that money does to you?
Have you seen how handsome/beautiful most of our celebrities have become since money started flowing into their bank accounts?

I know, money has led many people into doing crazy things and what-not  but I'm a very positive person and would like to focus on the good things about money.
You see, when you have a certain amount of money, you can almost change anything that you don't like about yourself.

Say like, you can buy yourself  a new pair of boobs, change your skin color, afford nice clothes, eat healthy food, avoid harsh whether conditions that can affect your skin, live in a clean apartment, buy expensive colognes that leave you smelling heavenly and so much more.

I saw throwback pictures of Ay, Joh Makini, Nikki wa pili and Joti that I have never seen before and this is how they looked before we all came to know and love them...
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I know most of the girls  here wouldn't look twice at any of these artists before, I mean, duh! I couldn't either.

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